Saturday, 7 March 2009

Interview to Queer Cum - Best Gay Blogs

I didn’t know about Queer Cum till I went to myspace and I was impressed about their queer core music. QUEER CUM is a DJ and vocal set formed by Latex (of Putilatex) from Spain and Rob Seol from Chile. This amazing project was born on the 19th of December 2007, where Queer Cum not only became known to the public in Spain and Chile, but was also received enthusiastically by the French, Italians and North Americans.

“We are fags!” they say. Queer as folk to bring us concepts formed around homosexuality and electro music. In a time when almost everything is revealed about gay issues all they want is to show how honest and real is their message and music. They are a team, not only share music if not love and it works out very well. Also they share the attraction about nasty things so if you didn’t notice they are naughty guys. It was not a surprise why decided to call to their group QUEER CUM.

Their first records were in English so it was easier to find an English name. “Dad, I like QUEER CUM”, “Come on boy, are you teasing me?” Don’t be shy buddies we need to speak out so let’s tell parents what we really like. Before to start together as a music group Franky was part of a Spanish band called Putilátex and Rob was working as a DJ under the name Rob Seol, they were not together as boyfriends but it didn’t take so long to fall in love each other.

Everybody has a coming out but in the case of them “Coming out of the closet, we? We are official faggots from the beginning of the time. Roberto and I are very proud of it!”And Rob worked in many gay Chilean parades. “I never came out, It was always assumed…it was not a problem.” says Rob. For Latex “I came out for the front door holding hands with the guy I want to love and my family, very soon got used to it. Soon, I will get married to Roberto and my family is happy.”

There is not doubt that we are living better times, we still need to do a lot but something is changing and young people as Rob and Franky are making it possible. As Latex says there are a lot of gays in Spain and maybe he is exaggerating when affirms that gay even under the stones but for him being gay is like an involution because he is a renegade of the fashion gay style and he feels that is a very ridiculous stereotype. “I can understand that people like smooth guys and they dress Calvin Klein undies and they got the bulge, but I like a guy that stinks and is unshaved and that dresses in any clothes and don’t care about it. I like real guys someone that you can meet when you’re going to the market. I need to make clear that I don’t fight against the gay fashion world, but I don’t share it.”

QUEERCUM doesn’t like to follow other rules, they make their own. Diversity is good and they know it because without some would not exist others. “We are not dirty, we only try to show some twisted image, but those that piss on are the ones dressing a suit and a tie, I only like my boyfriend’s cum and that’s all.” They think and feel they don’t need to follow things as the gay rainbow because they were created for other society. They love electro music and queercore is a version punk born from the queer ideology. “There are a lot of groups that belong to that movement and it was easy for us to move into it, but you know almost all the electric music talks about sex…something that we love. “

Placebo, Limp Bizkit, Physic TV and Judas Priest are their influences, bands related to break models and stereotypes and also involved with sexual ambiguity. QUEERCUM is part of the underground scene and they are not looking a specific market to see their music, could be unusual but they prefer to like to heterosexual people that gay people. “We don’t think that it sells too much being gay if not to be original. We are queer group that make music for hetero, what people don’t want to look at is 2 homos that are not the queer cliché and besides they don’t feel proud to be it.”

QUEERCUM uses explicit language as revealed in promotional photos on their myspace page. One reason why the popular networking shut down their profile. So they got censured because of their photos, but they got over it. “At the beginning people thought we were inviting them to publish cum facial photos, but we were not looking for that at all.”

Latex appreciates the freedom they have in Spain and he feels proud to be gay and be Spanish as well, but Rob is an activist against discrimination…no matter what sexual orientation you are. He participated in 2 gay Chilean parades, and remembers the first one where they were 10,000 people in front of the Government Palace and the second with 25,000. “It was a huge crowd and it worked out because Chile got a Socialist Government and that is good. We saw a lot of reds, Red Chilean people.”

Franky and Rob are satisfied, they can be outspoken dirty boys but honest as hell and funny too. They are a pair of real guys that feel the same attraction for music and passion for their goals “I sleep very well after so many years and it is a pleasure to have Rob in my bed.“, says Latex staring and smiling at Rob and Rob agrees “The best thing about having a partner is to grow up day by day and to have the security that being with someone gives you…plus we get to fuck to fuck to fuck and eat cum.”

They are looking forward to performing live and making contacts to get new contracts and appear in more concerts. I know, sometimes I can be real naughty, but that can make us feel good. What do you think?

Contributed by Antonio Capurro!

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