Join this exclusive contest and be one of the 5 winners to download the Q.U.E.E.R. C.U.M. EP. Only the first 5 people to send an email and to answer correctly to the 4 questions below will have access to the download.
Step 1: Answer to the following questions:
1. What date was the "Q.U.E.E.R. C.U.M. EP" first released and what is celebrated on that day?
2. What artist designed the cover of "Q.U.E.E.R. C.U.M. EP" and where does he come from?
3. What other artists collaborated on the EP and what are their nationalities?
4. What year was the first version of "Q.U.E.E.R. C.U.M." released?
Step 2: Send your answers to and remember to include your Facebook user name!
( The contest results the 21/11/11 for e-mail )